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Screenshot 2022-10-08 at 13.40.30.png

Lesson One

I already had a basic understanding of SketchUp but it was good to have a refresher class in it. We went over all of the basic tools such as: the line tool to draw simple shapes, the orbit tool and move tool to look around whatever I am making, the push and pull tool to move selected sections, and also the measuring tool to add measurements to selected areas. 

After this the exercise was to recreate the Waverley theatre with the skills we had just learnt using the tools. We were also given the measurements for the theatres walls and doors and I created those as you can see with the image on the left. I then finally added the measurements to every part of the model in mm. I really enjoyed using SketchUp and I think it will be incredibly useful in the duration of the course when designing either sets or the interior and exteriors of buildings.

Lesson Two

In this lesson we used the Waverley theatre model again and put it into SketchUp Pro. The first thing that I did was give the walls on the inside and outside the theatre a colour or texture and also the floor. I also gave the theatre an inner wall which would be the curtains and I did this with the pen tool, offset tool, and the push/pull tool.

I then went into the view section change the theatre view to x-rays so it would become like an x-ray.


The next step was to then go onto the 3D warehouse and select a chair, the lower the file size the better because otherwise the SketchUp page becomes quite laggy. I then copied and pasted the chairs nine times across and then into nine rows and moved them all into the theatre space. And the final step was to use the 2 point arc tool to create the curtain shape and use the push/pull tool to make the shape 3D. Along with that I also copied and pasted it for a second curtain, coloured them red and put them also in the theatre to complete it.

The instruction sheet was very clear on the process and was easy to follow. SketchUp is a very useful tool but I feel I still need a bit more practice with it to become fully comfortable using it.


In today's lesson, we made a throne, following the instruction sheet. The process was very simple, the follow path tool was used a lot to make the curvatures on the throne arms and base. I also used the follow path tool to make the giant horns that wrap around the throne and I then just used the line tool to cap off the ends to a point, I then replicated them three times and positioned them as they are in the picture. This would make a great medieval Game of Thrones sort of throne. We were then also taught how to scale things down to then be able to get them 3D printed, which I will definitely utilise in the future.



Lesson Three

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