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Model Making

Lesson I

In the first lesson of model making we created two boxes in 1:50 scale out of cardboard and mountboard. We were shown the proper way to assemble them and used PVA glue

Lesson II

We created a door and door frame using a template in this session. The material was mount board. It was quite a fiddly task, trying to get everything neat, but I think I did well for a first attempt. I also put on a layer of PVA glue over all components to strengthen them.

Lesson III

This session was all about windows. Even trickier than the door as the frames are very fragile, of some pieces I had to add a thin layer of masking tape. 

There were many more layers to model windows than I anticipated but I really enjoyed the process all the same and will complete some more practice of this as the years go on.

Lesson IV

In this session, we made two types of wall. Cobblestone and standard brick. With both I smeared polly filler onto card in different ways to create a texture, and then let it dry. I then cut them into lines of rectangles and squares for the different sides of bricks, and then lined them together using PVA glue. This was a very lengthy process but was very fun. I have really enjoyed my model making class, it has been very informative and I've realised you need a steady hand and a lot of patience for it, which fortunately I have both.

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