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Location Project
"The Good Companions

I have decided to use this angle of the alley as past the pub wouldn't be shown so would not then need to be set dressed and would also then save on a production budget. So as long as it would be dressed until the end of the street where it opens into the square where the church is, that would be all right. Also, not many shops would need window dressing or replacement signs since because of how many market stalls there would be and how packed it would also be with items and people you would not see the shops behind very much if at all. And finally, there are minimal security cameras and alarms to get rid of down the street as well.


Overall I think the Location Project was a big success for me. I was able to develop my skills in Photoshop even further than my previous knowledge of it. And also got to develop new skills in creating a props list, making a script breakdown, creating overlays of a location at different angles, and finally developing my technical drawing skills even further by adding a door and window detail. 

I really enjoyed the script and the challenge it brought with creating a busy market street, and the location that the group and I chose couldn't have been better as the transformation would be minimal and it also had minimal vehicle passthrough and foot traffic. I also enjoyed looking into different pubs and styles of the 1920's, expanding my general knowledge. Some changes I would make in the future would be to have a look at a few different angles of the street to experiment a bit more.



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